
Families in crisis
Sometimes, circumstances can threaten the wellbeing of families and children within our society. These factors include poverty, single parenting, unemployment, relationship problems, depression, drug use, alcohol use and social isolation.
Research shows that emotional and behavioural issues in early life can be linked with outcomes in adulthood. Lenity Australia supports Dalwood Spilstead Services and Jesuit Social Services in addressing these issues.
Even in Australia, a growing number of people within our community suffer 'food insecurity'. That is, not knowing where the next meal will come from. Certain groups are more susceptible to food insecurity - including unemployed people, single parent households, low-income earners, rentals households and young people, as well as Indigenous people and socially isolated people.
About Just Future
Just Future, is a project of the Jesuit Social Services and provides a range of services in Western Sydney. It attempts to fill a gap in services in this area of Sydney.
A project of Just future is the The Ignite Food and Clothing Stores, established at Emerton. It offers women escaping domestic violence transitional support by providing emergency relocation supplies and has access to a house for victims, located some considerable distance from perpetrators.
About Spilstead Services
The Dalwood Spilstead Service has evolved from the historic Dalwood Children’s Home in Seaforth, Sydney, which was established in 1930s to support families who required assistance in caring for their children, offering either short-term or long-term respite care. A day-care program was added in 1978 to specifically meet the educational and developmental needs of pre-school children. The Dalwood Early Intervention program was later developed as an extension of the Dalwood Children’s Home. The Spilstead Model of early Intervention followed and has been refined over the past 10 years to align its services with worldwide research and best practice. Spilstead also runs an Aboriginal Parent Advisory Group.
Domestic Violence in Australia
The Commonwealth Family Law Act 1975 defines to "family violence" as "violent, threatening or other behaviour by a person that coerces or controls a member of the person's family, or causes the family member to be fearful".
As well as assault, this behaviour also includes withholding financial support and preventing contact with friends and family.
About Women’s Community Shelters
Women’s Community Shelters works with communities to provide short term (up to 3 months) emergency accommodation and support in a safe, comfortable and secure environment that enables homeless women to rebuild self-esteem and achieve control and fulfilment in their lives.
About Mary’s House
North Sydney Women’s Benevolent Association is a not-for-profit organisation newly established to support women and children who need help because of domestic violence. NSWBA has full charity and tax deductible status.
Mary’s House mission is to establish and operate a hostel to provide crisis accommodation for women and their dependent children escaping domestic violence. The hostel will be called Mary’s House. The hostel is in the Lower North Shore area. Mary’s House is a non-denominational initiative. One of its goals is to partner with other community groups in this project while remaining committed to the principle “in all things to love and serve”.
Vulnerable youth
Some young people have the potential to go far in life, to contribute to their community, and to achieve their goals, however they become disengaged from learning in mainstream schools due to challenging behaviours and mental health sequale.
A number of young people unfortunately become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Sometimes this starts out as an experiment, or an adventure, or an escape from circumstances. However, in time the addiction takes hold and destroys the future of the young person.
About Triple Care Farm
Triple Care Farm, funded by the Sir David Martin Foundation and operated by Mission Australia, is an award winning residential rehabilitation and treatment program for young people between the ages of 16-24 years, from all over Australia. It provides an ideal environment of peace and healing for troubled youth, most of whom present with mental health and addiction issues. The Farm’s approach is best described as holistic. Over the course of 12 weeks, staff not only provide treatment for addiction but also seek to address underlying issues and contributing factors to the young person’s situation.
About Phoenix House
Phoenix House was established ib 1982 to provide accommodation to vulnerable and marginalized young people in Northern Sydney. It now provides early intervention and support services. For over 30 years, Phoenix House has provided a range of youth services to the most challenged young people resulting in life-changing outcomes.
About Margaret Jurd College
The College evolved from the Newcastle Youth Service and grew from a tutorial centre to a registered school in 1996. Students attending the school are disengaged from learning and mainstream schooling due to challenging behaviours and mental health diagnoses that qualify as a disability. Student enrolments are around 50-60 (14-17 years) and demand is growing. Education covers the Key Learning Areas: English, Maths, Science, HSIE (Human Society and its Environment) and PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education).